Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1)

“That’s certainly great news, Lily. He’s had some off the field issues, the team isn’t concerned with that?”

“Of course the team was concerned, Tony. Any team might be when character concerns come up, and Drake certainly has had his. He’s been on point all through training camp, though. I’ve gotten to know him a little bit and I really get the impression he’s matured a lot since draft day and that he’s put that part of his life behind him.”

“A little quick to suggest he’s turned his entire life around, isn’t it?”

I smiled. “Yeah, it is, but that’s something the Patriots are known for, Tony. Players with huge egos and off the field issues come here and turn into model football players. Drake Rollins seems to have bought into the entire thing, and it’s really helped him out these last couple weeks.”

“You’ve spent a lot of time around Drake Rollins lately, you’ve had the unique opportunity to observe him. We’ve all heard and read the stories about his famous partying persona, can you tell us something more about the real Drake Rollins?”

I hesitated before answering, “Well, Tony, I’d say that Drake Rollins, the real Drake Rollins, is a much more complicated man than gossip columns would report. He’s got a huge heart and really loves playing football. Yeah, he’s had some demons in his past, but everyone has those. Drake’s were just more visible because he’s so good at what he does.”

I kept looking back and forth between the camera and the field where Drake lay. It felt almost wrong that I would be talking about Drake while he was unconscious, but just at that moment, I noticed that he was starting to stir.

I knew what I had to do. “Tony, thanks for the interview, but I gotta go.”

Then I tossed the microphone to the production assistant and ran onto the field.

In front of almost 67,000 people and millions on television.


It was an amazing dream. I was in front of a huge crowd, and then I caught the winning touchdown and the place just went insane.

Grown men were crying in the stands. Pregnant women around the world were naming their unborn sons ‘Drake.’ The Patriots were signing me to a gigantic contract right there on the field, and every sports and drink company was lined up after them to make me an offer and get my signature and hand over a giant check.

Yeah, it was an amazing dream, and in it, I had it all made.

But it was missing something.

I looked around, past all the cheering crowd, past the stacks of money as they piled up, past all the cheerleaders throwing themselves at me.

Then it hit me, all at once.

My dream was missing her.

Lily Pearson.

Where was she? It couldn’t be an amazing dream without her.

No, no this wouldn’t do. All my dreams needed to have Lily in them from now on.

I would have to wake up from this one and face reality. Because reality at least had Lily in it, even if it didn’t have as much money or fame.

Wake up, Drake.

Wake up.



I opened my eyes. Blurry at first.

And then the sound. Or, rather, the lack of sound. I had never been around a full stadium that was so quiet.

My eyes started focusing and there she was, looking down at me, with those big brown hopeful eyes of hers. I could get used to that look.

“Oh, Drake, you’re back!” Lily whispered.

“Heeeeeeeeyyyyy, there Lily.” It took a couple seconds before I could speak clearly. “You’re lookiiiinng mighty fiiiiine.”

She tapped me on the chest, smiling and laughing through the tears as they came down. “You big dummy, you scared me! Are you alright?”

“Y-yeah, I’m fine.”

“Can you move your arms?” This came from someone else, clearly one of the medical guys from the team.

I moved my arms and then my legs, and a cheer went up from the crowd as they watched me, even from far away. Once the crowd knew there was no paralysis, the tough part was over.

“Can you stand?” Lily asked.

“Y-yeah, let’s do it. Help me up.” I paused for a second. “Wait.”

“What is it?” Lily’s voice was strained and concerned, fearing the worst.

“Before I get up, I gotta know. It was a touchdown, right?”

“Ugh, you are are the worst.” She punched me in the chest again, but through all the padding I barely felt it. “Help yourself get up, then, you big dummy. Yes, it was a touchdown.” But she was still smiling.

“Great. I thought so. First one with a new team feels the best.” I started to get up, struggling a bit at first, but then Lily was there to steady me, and I stood up, slowly.

The crowd went nuts, and once I was standing, still leaning on Lily’s shoulder on one side, and the medical guy’s on the other, I waved to them, turning around smiling.

The video monitors showed the hit, and it looked bad, but already I was feeling much, much better. I turned around and breathed in deep, savoring the moment, wanting to remember it as long as I could.

Lucy Snow's books